
Television and Movies

I hear sometimes that there are divisions in our country.

Well, personally, the only division I see is watching television and movies.

Most of us that are baby boomers, can not find any good television any more. I think most of us only watch the old shows from the 60s to the early 80s. Probably Gunsmoke being the most popular show of our time.

I know Yellowstone is a good show, but not a family friendly show at all.

It was nice back in the day, too, sit and watch television with the whole family, no matter the ages, we didn’t have to worry about swearing and sex acts on every scene.

When my grandkids visit, I can’t just turn on the television anymore, I have to make sure it’s on gunsmoke, Beverly hillbilly’s bewitch, or other friendly westerns.

I miss the days of Gentle Ben and good westerns such as Branded, Lancer, the High chaparral, the Big Valley,the Virginian, Wild Wild West, Daniel Boone, Laredo, the Dakotas, The Outcasts,Guns will travel, and of course, the legends of Jesse James. I can’t say it enough, and of course Gunsmoke. It was the longest running western of the time.

I guess what I’m saying is I feel like and many agree, that Hollywood has lost their minds. Not being able to produce good shows anymore.

It is February, and all you’re seeing advertising for movies are horror shows. My husband asked me if it was close to Halloween, and not really valentines, with what was being shown for the latest newest movies.

I really wish Hollywood would step back and really take a look at what they produce anymore.

One good thing about it, is we can get DVDs of the old shows. And it’s not tempting at all, to turn on the television to watch it for hours, because, obviously not much to watch anymore.

The other thing is when you do watch for a short while, the advertisements anymore can be five minutes long. Any advertisers that run more than 30 seconds, I will not buy the product, because I’m so mad at them for taking that much time away from my show.

And has anyone noticed the advertising that repeats itself in the same commercial, very irritating, and insulting.

OK I’m over my rant.

One good thing about bad television, is I get a lot more done in and around my house, because I’m not in front of the television for hours.

I love football, I don’t watch it a lot anymore, only because of the advertisements, I will just check scores on my phone.

Maybe someday, television will be family friendly again, we can only hope for a big change toward that in the big Hollywood world.

Here is to good old fashion, television, that so many of us miss

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