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Spring gardening

Spring Gardening

With spring near , l decided to , write about gardening, plants, and trees.
We’ve had a very mild winter this year in northern Indiana, we have only, had to shovel snow once this year, so far.
There are so many ways to garden, from huge plowed plots to small pots on your windowsill.
When I was growing up, my parents had three large gardens. They canned or ate fresh, everything that they planted.
My Dad said it was his way of exercising, by hoeing the garden, sometimes eight hours a day all summer, and because of that, you never saw a weed in his garden, and he was in good shape.
One of the gardens was always just sweet corn. The other two were a variety of vegetables and berries.
My mom also, always had a small raised herb garden, for fresh herbs to cook and can with.
While my dad attended the gardens with his hoe. My mom would be harvesting, cooking and doing all the canning.
They also had several apple trees, they would make applesauce and pies that would go into the freezer, to eat on all year.
Besides gardening, they also had a maple woods, so in February or March, we would all go out and make maple syrup.
I remember my mom putting mothballs out around her garden and flower beds to keep snakes away.
I garden small compared to them. Looking forward later, after retirement, to put in a bigger garden with more variety.
Right now I just do my gardening in pots on my porch and windowsill.
My son and his family, does have a nice garden and peach trees. I found out from him the best thing to protect your fruit trees from bugs is to use a product called tree tangle foot insect barrier.
It’s very easy to use, you just apply it around the tree itself, a picture is attached of his peach tree, treated with the tree tangle foot.
There is nothing more tasty or better for you, then fresh picked vegetables and fruits to eat.
For anyone that is in the city or just no time for any kind of gardening or growing your own veggies. There are many farmers markets every weekend during the summer months. So you can still enjoy the fresh picked vegetables and fruits of the season.
When I had limited space, I still would grow a couple of herbs in small pots in my kitchen, just to have them for cooking.
Parsley, oregano and rosemary are always three good basic herbs to keep on hand, fresh, if possible for cooking, they are easy to grow in small pots in a windowsill.
I also love fresh picked flowers during the summer for the middle of the kitchen table.
Although you cannot eat flowers, they can give you a calming, relaxing atmosphere in your home, and even in your garden.
So for all you gardeners, here’s hopefully and praying for a good harvest this year.
Enjoy the fresh vegetables and fruits of the season. Be safe and watchful for those pop-up spring storms while in your garden.

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