
Blood pressure and our health

I never had high blood pressure until just recently.

I had lunch with my son a few weeks ago, and he pointed out to me, and he was correct, that I was out of shape, and I needed to change my lifestyle, if I didn’t want to be sick and or be on prescriptions

We went back to his house and took my blood pressure and it was 180/96.

I actually had a doctor appointment that afternoon, at that appointment my blood pressure was still 180/96 so that confirmed it for me to change some things in my lifestyle.

Fortunately, I have a good doctor, that was OK with letting me try to get my blood pressure back to normal by changing my lifestyle, I made an appointment to see him again in three months, he also asked me to take my blood pressure daily and record it, so he can see it at next appointment.

So since then, this is what I’ve been doing, because I’m not the kind of person to just start taking prescription drugs to fix a problem, that I could fix myself.

For breakfast I have oatmeal and usually some fruit with it. I’m lucky, because I like oatmeal and I make it in a variety of ways, so I don’t get bored with it. If you don’t like oatmeal, you can eat Cheerios in replacement.

I will cook it in almond milk instead of water and add cinnamon, and a fruit, usually raisins, yellow, or black ones, depending on what I have in my pantry. Also, for a change from raisins, I’ll add banana or apples.

Another way I’ll make it, is cold, I’ll pour a half cup of oatmeal in a bowl and cover it with almond milk or coconut milk. Any milk works depending on your likes for milk. I will now and then use 2% cows milk for a change. I let the bowl sit for 30 minutes, you can also do this the night before and cover and refrigerate to eat first thing in the morning.

Another way to do cold oatmeal the night before is to mix any yogurt that you like with it, then, add grapes, apples, bananas, or any other fruit that you like.

I also will add a little honey for sweetness. This is a great way to have breakfast. Ready to eat as soon as you’re ready to eat in the morning.

I am a coffee drinker. Also, I started to use an almond or oatmeal milk for creamer, instead of half-and-half, that I have used for years.

I have replaced some of my coffee for tea to drink through the day. Since I could be a two pot plus a day coffee drinker.

For lunch, I have a bag of steamer vegetables, I use Birdseye, but any brand will work, depending on what your store freezer has.

Once a week, I may have celery with peanut butter or some rice and black beans for a bit of a change for lunch.

If I feel like I need to snack between meals, I’ll eat a banana, apple, orange, grapes, or celery and carrots. Sometimes I’ll eat a yogurt in between meals.

I have so much more energy snacking like this.

Not eating sugar has really helped swelling to go down in my joints. Before starting this change in my eating habits, I was addicted to sugar and greasy salty snacks.

Once I started eating different, I really do not miss the sugar.

For supper, I eat a normal meal, just a normal portion size with no dessert. Unless it’s a flavored no calorie hot tea. Tea will satisfy any craving for a sweet snack after supper.

I make my suppers of a healthy soup or lean meat and vegetables. Brown rice with a cooked egg on top is also good for supper.

Once a week, usually over the weekend, I’ll have a one day cheat day, so I can have a slice of pizza or a small portion of something else, I won’t eat the rest of the week. But I doing this, it helps you stick with eating good the rest of the week.

I’m also taking a walk 3 to 4 times a week.

The result of doing this after the first week my blood pressure came down and by the second week was a good normal reading of 133/78 and a resting heartbeat at 63.

I have energy and I’m losing weight, by just changing my eating habits and doing some walking.

I think most of you would agree, this is better than going on blood pressure medicine for the rest of my life. I can’t wait to show my doctor these results when I see him again in May.

So for anyone that has high blood pressure, hope this gives you incentive to just change your lifestyle for good health.

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