
Cleaning and Bugs

I decided to blog on cleaning, since there are so many opinions on what, how, and often to clean.
My opinion, they are all good in their own way. As individuals, we just have to decide on natural, chemical, or a combination of the two.
I do a combination, but tend to go more natural.
If you have pets, you need to take that into consideration, also, especially spraying for bugs.
White vinegar is excellent for natural cleaning. A gallon goes a long way and is inexpensive. It also works for a great deodorizer.
Years ago my parents lived in an older farmhouse, the basement was smelling musty. I poured white vinegar in four bowls, and sat them in different areas of the basement. The smell was gone in 24 hours.
Another time my daughter and her husband had bought a house, as is house. The previous tenant smoked. My daughter has asthma, so she couldn’t stay in there long, while she was trying to clean. I did the same as I did at my parents house, and again 24 hours, no more cigarette smell, and my daughter could stay in the house all day, without being bothered by the previous smell of smoke.
I use vinegar around my cat litter box, works great.
Other than white vinegar being a deodorizer, I will mix 50/50 with hot water. I use that to wipe down anything in my house, that needs wiped down, it cleans well. It’s also a good sanitizer, you can put a quarter cup in your laundry, to help sanitize your laundry, while washing them. It mixes well in the machine with any laundry detergent.
For bugs, I take a good handful of fresh lavender, mint, and begonia flowers. I stuff them in a quart jar and fill the jar up with white vinegar. Cover well,let set for two weeks, giving it a good shake once a day. After two weeks, strang out the mint lavender begonia. Pour the liquid in a spray bottle. Spray around house, sheds, garage, porches, or chicken coops.
This will really help keep bugs away, without chemicals. And it smells good.
Baking soda is another good cleaner, especially for refrigerators and freezers. I put hot water in my sink, dump a box of baking soda in it, to clean my refrigerator. It works very well.
Now, for anyone that would rather buy a product to clean with. I suggest reading labels and ingredients. You can buy an inexpensive generic, that has the same ingredients in strength is your expensive name brand product.
For bugs, terro is great for ants. Seven powder is great to keep bugs off your plants.
I love to clean, I always get satisfaction when my house has had a good detailed clean.
For a toilet bowl cleaner, Clorox seems to have the best products on the market for that.
And don’t forget white vinegar and newspaper is the best way to clean windows and mirrors.
I hope you all have an enjoy a clean bug free house.

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