Hello everyone, I decided to write about cats. We were always dog people for years. Suddenly we became cat people, we still love dogs, too, but at this time of our lives, cats are better for us to have for pets.

It all started with us building a new house. At that time we had an older black lab, have had him since eight weeks old. He was our baby.

While construction was going on, I’d have my grandson come over with me to help pick up construction debris. One day while him and I were working on the property, a cat came up to him, he loves animals, so he immediately made friends with a stray cat. I didn’t think too much of it at the time. But after that day, I would see this little cat each day, when I was on our property. So I started leaving food and water for her.

Once our house was finished and we had actually moved in. She became part of our family and I named her Callie being she is a tortoiseshell cat.

She got along fine with our lab Remington. We knew we wouldn’t have Remington much longer, he was 14 and starting to have serious health issues from old age.

One Halloween day a black cat was hanging out with our Callie. I called Callie in and this beautiful, black cat, came up meow meow to me. So I couldn’t resist. Now we have Callie and this other stray we name blackjack.

Well, never thought about it, but a few months later her callie is having six kittens in our living room.

So now we have Callie, black Jack, and six kittens. Plus we still have Remington. He was very good with these kittens. Of course at this time he was deaf and we think half blind. Neither one of us knew anything about cats or kittens, so it was interesting to us, and a real learning experience.

Our a little Callie was a wonderful mommy. We were proud of her. Our problem was is that we wanted to keep all six kittens. But knew we could not. So we picked out two to keep. We pick more by personality then color. But it just happened that the two we picked was twins to their parents. Our male all black like his daddy, so we named him shadow. Our female was colored just like her mommy. She has several names. My husband named her rugrat because she looked like a cat his parents had years before named Rugrat. I call her, Miss Kitty and princess she does act like a princess. They are both two years old now.

We lost our Remington about three months after the kittens were born. So now we only have four cats. A cousin in Mississippi took one kitten and she is spoiled. The other three had to go to strangers so I could not keep track of them.

Anyway, what inspired me to write this is what we have learned about cats, with this experience, my in-laws have cats and always has had cats. One thing we notice is, they do not really get along. But they all came from different families.

Our four cats get along great and really act like a family, as they are, mom, dad, sister, brother. They play together and yes, even dad is part of that play and they greet each other, really cool to watch them as a family.

Our mom’s cats, we realize do not get along, because they do come from different families. Now with us being past dog owners. We do know with dogs, you do want them from different families, if you have more than one.

Your chances are better with cats. If you have more than one, is that they do all come from the same litter.

I hope this helps anyone that may have more than one cat or dog, and they are not getting along. Here’s hoping for happiness for all of our cats and dogs. Oh, and a sidenote, we did get all of our cats taken care of, so no more kittens from them are possible.

I’m including some pictures of our cats.

We also have no litter boxes, we live in the country so we have the privilege available to open our door and let them in and out as they please, they’re never out for very long they go out and do their thing and maybe chase a chipmunk and then they come right back in.

Black jack will actually knock at our door, when he is ready to come back in. The other three will meow very loud at the door, to be let back in the house.

Love those cats, they are our babies.

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