Year: 2022

Health and Fitness

Healthy no crust pumpkin dessert pie

29 oz. can of pure pumpkin 12 oz. carnation evaporated milk 1/2 cup granulated sugar 2T. Brown sugar 2 large eggs 1 tsp. Salt 2 tsp. Ground cinnamon 1 tsp. Ground ginger 1/2 tsp. Ground cloves 11/2 Cup uncooked oatmeal Mix dry ingredients in medium bowl beat eggs in large bowl stir in pumpkin and[...]
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Stress Free Christmas List Shopping

I always make out a Christmas list to buy for each year. Starting early September, I will start filling that list, one gift at a time, while I’m shopping on line or in stores. When I buy a gift, I will wrap it as soon as I get home and place in a closet .[...]
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True Fishing Stories

I grew up in a small town in northern Michigan, with three brothers and a dad that lived to only fish and hunt. Some my best memories with my Dad was ice fishing during cold Michigan winters. It would be cold, but Dad always had a warm ice fishing shack on the lake. I was[...]
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Health and Fitness

Are School Lunches Healthy?

The answer is yes. I know this because I’m a head cook at an elementary school. Most people do not realize, that by law, all school lunches have certain requirements of nutrition for each meal.  Here are some examples of what each meal is required to have:  One cup of fruit and all juices must[...]
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Winter Camping Necessities

Winter camping is a completely new adventure compared to summer camping. If you’ve never been winter camping, you’ll want to make sure you cover your bases and have the winter camping necessities you’ll need for a cozy, comfortable trip. Tent Heater A tent heater will keep you cozy, even when the temperatures outside dip into[...]
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Health and Fitness

Immune Supportive Home Remedies

Cold and flu season has arrived, and it’s never been more important to give your immune system an extra boost. Here are some nourishing, immune-supportive home remedies to help you stay healthy through the fall and winter seasons. Rosehips Rosehips are packed with antioxidants and contain a high concentration of vitamin C that can boost[...]
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Best Cities For Fine Art Aficionados

For those who enjoy the fine arts, be it museums, galleries, theater, opera, or the orchestra, there is no shortage of culture-rich cities to visit around the globe. In fact, you may struggle to choose a travel destination because there are just so many wonderful places to choose from! Here are some of the lesser-known[...]
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Must-Haves For Your Home Office

Whether you’ve been working from home for the last two years or are starting a new work-from-home gig, you won’t want to miss these great must-haves for your home office. You’ll be more comfortable, productive, and focused. Indoor Plants An office space laden with indoor plants can increase your oxygen levels and mental focus. Not[...]
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